A Practical Guide to Starting Your Wedding Exercise Routine Part II

In last week’s blog, we talked about the harmful expectations of the body transformation advertising machine. This week, we’d like to get you set up on a routine. Keep in mind, if you’re already involved in a fitness routine, much of this might seem quaint, but if you’re someone who’s just starting out, then there’s some critical tips here:

  1. Starting a Reasonable Workout

If you’ve been researching fitness routines you may have come across the term “cross-training” or “cross-fit”. This involves a workout we’re you hit as many body parts as possible –as opposed to isolating a muscle group in a single workout (e.g. “back day”, “leg day”). The purpose of cross-fit is to awaken your body into activity. While harsh training regimens can be effective, they are also just as likely to disenfranchise, throw someone into shock and cause injury.


As time goes on, your body will become accustomed to the workout. That’s actually a good thing. You will be ready to try muscle isolation routines and increase intensity. But cross training will let your body acclimate itself to exercise. Think crawl, then walk, then run. I know we all want results capital N Now. But if you have the patience to crawl first, you’re more likely to stick with the routine up to the running and beyond. As opposed to those who begin with running and burn out fast.


  1. The Mind, Body Connection

There’s no doubt that athletes get put into kind of a square hole by society. Let’s not mince words: people joke that they’re dumb. Not only is this unfair, it’s also a gross dismissal of what is perhaps the primary benefit of exercise: learning to focus. While jogging and lifting weights certainly won’t magically teach you calculus and quantum physics (if it does, I suggest either sharing this phenomenon with the world or getting help), the mental energy to create a routine, stick to it and calmly perform exercises correctly builds a form of mental endurance. Allow yourself to start slow, but keep with a routine. You’re not just awakening your body to exercise, but the mind as well.

While we can pass on reasonable wisdom, we the elegant venue of Park Savoy are certainly not fitness experts. Here is a great cross-fit program for beginners. Next week, we conclude this series with shopping for a wedding dress while you are getting in shape.

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