A Simple Resolution

Ah, New Year’s. The time of endless “Best of” lists and resolutions. We’ve noticed a fair number of “Bridal Resolutions Lists” floating around the internet, and frankly, most of them are pretty self-explanatory. Don’t forget about your registry; make your guest list; pay attention to the budget etc. etc. But in the spirit of taking things one step at a time (seriously, after the holidays and New Year’s Eve, we all should be taking baby steps for a good month or so), we at the Park Savoy have only one resolution we’d like to suggest, and we think it’ll make your wedding experience much more memorable.

If there’s any day of our lives where there’s a strong urge to capture every second that you can, it’s the wedding day of course. Curb that impulse. If you’ve hired a videographer, someone’s already got that part covered. Instead of constant photo ops and status updates try to stay in the moment, and lest you think this is another one of those snide baby boomer comments about millennials constantly being on their phones –this is being written by a fellow millennial –one that’s talked to brides and grooms after the wedding and had them admit that they couldn’t remember too much about their own weddings, but they could find plenty of status updates when they checked back on their social media walls.

If there’s any one resolution we can all make. It being in the moment. It’s easy to get caught up in all of the big, iconic weddings moments. Walking down the aisle, saying the vows, cutting the cake, but what’s not talked about is those tin moment that make weddings wonderful. Noticing your Maid of Honor get a tear in her eye –even for just one second. The smile on the guest’s faces –that sadly rare and wonderful smile of something experiencing true joy for another. And lest you think we’re being too saccharine here, there’s also all the fun and dumb moments too. Someone tripping or stubbing their toe when they’re dressed all formal. The groomsmen acting like total idiots (they will be for at least a few moments. You can count on that). All of those are easily missed, if you’re not tuned in. Stay tuned in, stay aware of every facial expression, every gesture. Focus no how the dress feels against your skin; how the breeze drifts through the trees of the outdoor patio (or crack jokes if it’s raining). These will imprint into your mind far more than any number of “Likes” or “Shares”, we promise.

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